Jailbreaking Is Not A Crime

Millions of people jailbreak the phones and tablets they own, in order to run the software they want on their own terms. Whether it's to cut out annoying bloatware, install the latest security fixes, change the home screen, or just to use it in a way the manufacturer hasn't considered, jailbreaking is an important part of how we interact with our devices. But the Copyright Office and Librarian of Congress could cast its future into jeopardy in just a few short months.
I support EFF's petition for a jailbreaking exemption to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act's anti-circumvention provision. The right to run the software I want on the devices I own is important, and it shouldn't be jeopardized in the name of propping up the digital rights management schemes of manufacturers, carriers, and app vendors.
Companies that want to lock down our devices argue that, because the firmware running on your phone or tablet is copyrighted, jailbreaking your device to run a modified version runs afoul of laws meant to prop up DRM. But there's a safety valve: the Librarian of Congress can make exemptions to those laws through a complicated rulemaking process. So every three years, groups like EFF have to make the case for specific carve-outs, like jailbreaking phones and tablets.
We've gotten jailbreaking exemptions in the past, but there's no guarantee of success this year. That's where you come in: lend your voice to our submission, and we can tell the Librarian of Congress that thousands of regular users want to preserve their rights as device owners. Join us in making it clear: jailbreaking is not a crime.
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