Tell the World's Lawmakers: Online Spying is Out of Control

Mass surveillance and other intrusive monitoring of your digital life are violations of international human rights law. We, and a global coalition of privacy experts, wrote a guide to writing surveillance law that respects privacy. It's called the Necessary and Proportionate Principles. Join hundreds of thousands who have signed onto its ideals now.
To the world's lawmakers, judges and governments:
I believe that privacy is a fundamental human right, and is central to the maintenance of democratic societies. It is essential to human dignity. Communications surveillance interferes with the right to privacy among a number of other human rights. I believe such surveillance should be carefully limited to protect all our rights.
That's why I support the Necessary and Proportionate Principles.
Please join me in supporting laws and practices ensure that surveillance:
- is legal,
- pursues a legitimate aim,
- is necessary, adequate, and proportionate to that aim,
- is overseen by a competent judicial authority,
- uses due process and allows for user notification,
- is transparent in its use and scope,
- has effective public oversight,
- does not damage the integrity of communications and systems,
- and includes safeguards for international co-operation, against illegitimate access and a right to an effective remedy.
Thank you,
In 2012, an alliance of hundreds of privacy groups and legal experts from around the world came together to create the Necessary and Proportionate Principles. They spell out how human rights law applies to digital surveillance. They show governments, judges, and lawmakers–in language they'll understand–how they must respect privacy in the online era.
Over 350,000 people have signed the Necessary and Proportionate Principles. Our alliance has used these principles to successfully combat excessive surveillance law in the United States, Latin America, and Europe, and we’ve fought for universal rejection of mass surveillance in the United Nations.
Join us now and we’ll add your voice whenever we speak out against outrageous privacy invasions. We can tell politicians, courts, and the world that human rights matter -- and that thousands worldwide agree with us.
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DonateRecent Signatories
Dominic Harris
Brooklyn, New York, US
Jason Lee
Palm Springs, California, US
Marc Cloutier
New York, New York, US

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